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I am proud to announce the release of my new album. It has been a long process but I have had many meaningful and enjoyable experiences along the way.  These songs were written from the heart and reflect some of my family life experiences growing up. I’m sure many people out there have similar stories.

Family Tree  I originally wrote this song to blow off steam but as the pen flowed so easily on the paper, it became very clear that I had many troubling issues with my family. The word “Dysfunction” comes to mind when I think of the many disturbing events that have happened over the years.  I will never understand why there was no accountability for the poor behaviour of some family members. Looking the other way was not an option for me so I had to make the break. I have been at peace with myself ever since.         


Cold Hearted Man  This song speaks for itself.  I find it  very difficult to understand how a person can be so selfish that they have no regard for anyone else, even family!

The Mirror  When you look in the mirror, what do you see?

Look deep into your own eyes and face the honest truth!

Who are you and what values do you have?

Are you happy, sad or indifferent?

Do you have the strength to accept what you see and make changes?

Perspective  I wrote this song to bring attention to the cowardly ways that people use to twist and distort the truth so that they don’t have to commit to, or take sides, in family issues or disagreements. Trying to stay neutral always favours the person who was responsible for the behaviour in question! This applies to many family members.

Boy Without A Father  A sad song about a boy who was abandoned by his father and left to embrace the hardships of life on his own.

Sibling Crush   Another sad song about the constant struggle to be accepted by others. Even those who use that power against you for their own benefit.

Family Tree   Piano Version

Deathbed (Last Words)   This song is about the time I spent with my mother in the hospital the night before she died. It was just the two of us so we were both able to speak openly and clear the air.  I gained a better understanding about our family dynamics and was able to walk away at peace with myself.

Father’s Day Blues I  I wanted to pay tribute to my father, a good man who always gave to those around him. He never needed praise or attention.  He just did what he could, when he could, and that was enough for him.  A great dad, husband and friend to Mother Nature. May he Rest in Peace.

The Mirror   Piano Version

The Lost Boys of Pickering   This song was written in memory of the six boys who went missing on Lake Ontario the night of March 17th, 1995.  My nephew, Chad Smith, was one of them.

A big thank you to all my musician friends who helped to bring this musical journey to fruition !

I  am grateful !

Credits:    All songs written by Kevan Smith 

Main vocals on all tracks by Barbara Smith

Background vocals by Kenny DesChamp and Barbara Smith

Kenny DesChamp - Guitars, flute, percussion and bass, on "Last Words, Father's Day Blues, Heaven's Cafe and Family Tree"

Marc Lemieux - Guitars, bass, percussion on "Cold Hearted Man, Perspective, Sibling Crush and Boy Without a Father"

Katherine Wheatley - Guitar on “Family Tree and The Mirror”

Bob Steele - Piano soloist for “Family Tree and The Mirror“

Ponto Paparo - Piano on “Father’s Day Blues, Sibling Crush

and Lost Boys of Pickering"

All songs Mixed by Kenny DesChamp and Kevan Smith

All songs Mastered by Bob Steele

Available on Spotify, iTunes and all other streaming platforms

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 Copyright 2024 Barbara & Kevan Smith

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